At Acuherbal, with more than 20,000 registered patients, we use traditional Chinese Herbs, acupuncture, acupressure and cupping to provide high-quality professional healthcare services to our patients. We are proud of ourselves for being able to help so many people from all over the world.
All of our practitioners graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, the most prestigious institution of higher systematic learning of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) integrated with Western medicine in China, with rich professional experience through years of practice both in China and in the UK. They specialise in various health conditions such as: Infertility, IVF assistance, Male problems, Menstrual disorders, Skin disorders, IBS, Stress, Anxiety and Body Pains,etc.
In addition to our well-qualified practitioners we also have wonderful assistants to provide the best service and the warmest atmosphere to our customers. All our staff are well trained and very friendly.
We are members of both the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (UK) (ATCM), one of the main regulatory bodies that govern the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the UK, and the NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners.
We always treat each individual customer seriously whether for the treatment or for the well being, a visit may change your life.